The Gemini Man
Several qualities are noticeable about the Gemini man. For one thing, he's usually in constant motion. Sometimes physically: he's liable to fidget, and even if he isn't fidgeting his eyes are generally moving around pretty restlessly, checking out each thing in the room and inspecting each person with immense curiosity. The hour-long gaze of intense passionate silence that says everything just isn't the Gemini man's style. Many Geminis simply can't hold their attention for that long, and besides, they don't like to be 'sprung' by somebody staring into their eyes either.
Another thing that's readily noticeable is Gemini's conversational gift. It's a rare Gemini who doesn't possess a quick wit and cursory knowledge of just about anything, which enables him to talk to just about anybody for a little while and appear to be interested. Gemini is also a bit of a gossip - yes, the trait appears in the Gemini man as well as in the Gemini woman - and a less pleasant adjective would be 'nosy' to describe the intense curiosity with which Gemini approaches other people. He loves to find out interesting things, not because he's looking for power over you like a Scorpio would, but because it just happens to be interesting. He's gifted at drawing out several pertinent and interesting facts about you very quickly, and then, when you ask a few questions of him, dodging them with skill while he deftly shifts the subject onto the strange mating habits of greenfly.
Gemini's contact with people is always a light one. He's neither heavy-handed nor intense. It's rare to get an outpouring of intense emotion; and if you do, it will most likely come in the form of a letter, and be full of amusing anecdotes and gossip. Some people find this lightness of touch disturbing: it seems shallow and superficial. But it isn't, really. In fact it's a gift that Gemini offers - the ability to communicate and share feelings while keeping a sense of humour and a perspective. Gemini might be romantic, but it's not the romance of heavy operatic tragedy. It's the sort of light, frothy stuff that makes for lovely summer evenings drinking champagne in the rose garden; but it's not Romeo and Juliet. On the other hand, Romeo and Juliet had tragic ends, which isn't really a vision of romance that appeals to Gemini.
Absolute devotion of the kind that precludes ever speaking to or looking at another woman also isn't Gemini's style. He's interested in people and people are interested in him; besides, he can be a charming flirt, which is just one more part of the way in which he approaches life. The butterfly flirts with life itself; you can't expect him to play Othello to your Desdemona. He'll rarely show jealousy (that's all in the unconscious, along with all the other terrifying emotions) and doesn't expect you too either. And it's impossible to keep him by your side at a party, because the whole point of a party is to talk to people. People mean others besides yourself. It's also embarrassing to Gemini to seem to be too attached to one person; it spoils the image of the cloak-and-dagger mysterious secret agent which he sometimes gets a kick out of projecting. Many Geminis do their best to seem single even when they've come in the door with you, just because it's amusing to try the role on. It's a rare Gemini who obviously displays himself as half a tight couple. Once again, it's not his style.
Words fascinate Gemini. Emotions don't, unless they can be expressed in words. The more articulate you are, the better he likes it. And he does have a thing about writing - love notes, stories, letters, jokes, whatever. Gemini-type heroes in film and literature (like Errol Flynn) don't get their charm from heavy-handed emotional intensity or physical prowess. They get it from cosmopolitan panache, a touch of culture, a taste for good wine, a love of ballet or theatre, an eye for a good book, a polished and versatile mind. If you want to be physically swept off your feet and strong-armed to the