sophisticated ideas.  In some ways, it's delightful, because he's usually incapable of playing the Don Juan unless he really means it.  And then he's likely to make a somewhat less than suave one.  Aquarius' gifts are not known to lie in the realms of courtship and romance. 

So we can count sincerity of feeling and loyalty among his virtues.  Because he's generally clumsy with emotion, he usually means what he says if he ever does tell you he loves you.  Also, Aquarius is a truth-addict.  This means, on the other hand, that he doesn't like lying, so you can believe him most of the time.  On the other hand, it means you should be careful not to ask for those little declarations of emotional reassurance that lovers need.  Instead of the compliment or reassurance, you might get a pronouncement like,  'Well, to be strictly truthful, I don't actually love you at this moment.'  I once knew an Aquarian man who felt obliged to announce, at various times of the day, whether he did or didn't love me - not for any particular reason except that he felt I ought to always know the truth at all times.  It can be pretty wearing on the ego, to say the least. 

Aquarius' loyalty springs from double-edged sources as well.  On the one hand, he's probably more capable than any other sign of adhering to a promise kept.  So if he promises fidelity, and means it, he very likely will be - because he's loyal to the ideal.  And he does have a lot of self-discipline.  On the other hand, his loyalty also springs from the fact that the realm of romantic escapades isn't really his style.  He's awkward and unsure of himself in it, and often finds it more relaxing and less troublesome to remain loyal because he can get on with what he enjoys the most - things of the mind.  It's not that Aquarius lacks passion.  Not at all.  But he's not particularly sensuous, and often doesn't spend long hours with his erotic fantasies in the way that you would expect of Taurus and Scorpio and even Pisces.  He's busy thinking about the World and what can be done with it. 

To balance the scales more in his favour, Aquarius is a truly interesting companion, and he also knows, more than other signs, how to be a friend.  This should not be underrated.  Friendship often means more to Aquarius than love, partially because he doesn't understand love - it's too complicated and problematic, and he has trouble defining it - and partially because friendship's ideals are easier to uphold.  So Aquarius, man or woman, can be a wonderful friend in all the senses of the word.  He is loyal and honourable, and is capable of much self-sacrifice; he cares about other people, and so long as you don't expect him to participate in your emotional scenes, he's a wonderful listener and a careful, objective advisor.  No friend could be more friendly or tolerant, or understanding.  In marriage or a love relationship, this quality of detached and undemanding friendship is often a true blessing.  It means you can have your own ideas, think your own thoughts, discuss things, have companionship and camaraderie without the clutter of an expectation of roles, or a lot of emotional possessiveness.  Aquarius, although he has as much jealousy in him as anybody else, will very rarely show it.  He will rarely even admit it.  He appears to be the least possessive of lovers.  Don't let it fool you.  But on the other hand, it doesn't intrude.  If he believes in letting his partner have freedom, then by God he'll make sure he grants it, even if it minces his gut to pieces unconsciously. 

If you're looking for a great deal of sentiment and romance, stay away from Aquarius.  You're more likely to have lengthy political and ideological discussions, and very few whispered and sweet nothings.  On the other hand, if you seek a friend as a lover, Aquarius puts the other signs to shame.  He's genuinely interested in people, and genuinely interested in you.  Just don't try the heavily emotional approach.  And buy yourself flowers. 

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