An afterthought for any two Taureans, who have lost sight of one another's basic sweetness and cuddle qualities:  Taurus Tom Snyder, of television fame and familiarity, has his very own (no joke) Teddy Beat, tucked tenderly somewhere behind the cameras during his program, sometimes clearly visible, at other times playing peek with the audience.  Wouldn't you just know

Every Bull, male or female, clutches a symbolic Teddy Bear for emotional security.  So you see, the two of you are really very lovable sorts, not nearly so stern and bull-headed as you both behave at times. 

And you can also be certain that every Taurean has a funny bone hidden somewhere behind the silent façade.  When they permit one another a glimpse of it, the rich humour shared by these two in their 1-1 Sun Sign association will burst forth like a refreshing rain of happiness to wash clean those stubborn memories of mutually inflicted hurt… and allow the flowers of forgiveness to grow in their hearts. 

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