'family' with unusual gentleness and compassion. 

From youth through adulthood, until the reverse aging syndrome begins, Capricorns are dyed-in-the-wool realists.  They face life squarely, without flinching.  When life socks it to them, they don't whine, complain or try to pin the blame on someone else.  They simply get up, dust themselves off and make a practical decision about how to turn their failure into at least a semblance of success.  These people will figure the most deviously deliberate ways to attempt to salvage something of value from any kind of wreckage of their plans.  When I said they won't try to pin the blame on anyone else, I should have added that they also dislike to shoulder the blame themselves.  That's because they never make mistakes.  Or if they do, they are not enthusiastic about admitting these rare slip-ups.  Hey may glance around a little nervously, chastise themselves privately with great severity, but they will seldom publicly say "I'm sorry - I was wrong - forgive me."  Capricorns feel that the best way to handle a goof is to bury it, make a firm mental note never to allow it to occur again, and do nothing to call undue attention to it.  After burying a mistake, the Goat will not set up a road sign with an arrow pointing to the spot.  Only now and then will a Capricorn with an afflicted Sun or Ascendant say or do something against his or her own nature.  Most of the time the Goats will take a rusty failure, the nails and broken glass of defeat or ridicule, and do their darnedest to Scotch-tape or glue them together into something
usable.  They don't always succeed, of course, but they are determined, and they usually won't back down unless they see a steamroller headed toward them.  Then Cappy will move.  For these people are, to repeat - practical.  They're extremely shrewd at estimating the extent of their difficulties and the basics of the situation, whatever it may be.  Note that I said 'estimating,' not guessing.  Capricorns never guess.  They estimate.  There's a difference.  The former is chancy, the latter is based on data and deduction. 

Unlike Taurus people, who will shove despite all obstacles, and who sit obstinately while the steamroller runs right over them, Capricorn is level-headed and wise enough to know when retreat is the only solution short of total disaster.  If there's one thing Goats try to avoid at all cost, it's total disaster.  They'll utilize every aspect of disappointment, every twist and turn of fate to some sort of advantage before discarding it - as Nature's billy-goats will find something of nutritional value or chewing pleasure in whatever you offer them. 

This is why, when two Capricorns get together, they can make gigantic successes from only small scraps of possibilities.  They plod along, side by side, not wasting anymore time speculating than absolutely necessary, getting things in the proper perspective and paying strict attention to priorities.  After a reasonable length of time, they reach their combined goals - and no one deserves an achievement more.  They worked for it, earned it and waited for it.  It's hard to resent a Capricorn's team success or begrudge them their security, because you know they paid their dues to get there (but not a penny more!).  Goats are not really stingy, they're genuinely generous with their real friends (all three of them) and their families - just a little reserved with the cash when it comes to anyone else. 

The association of two Capricorns is not all seriousness and sacrifice.  Only about three-fourths of the time.  But, during that remaining fourth, these two can enjoy life more than others ever suspect.  For the Goat finds deep pleasure and satisfaction in Nature, art, music… and improving the mind.  Cappies can find happiness and excitement in anything that makes good sense, and that includes a lot of things.  Tinkering with cars or engines, building or constructing, gardening, reading, creating beauty from the plain and ugly, watching the interest grow in their savings accounts - challenge and inspire the Goats.  To be able to remodel an old shirt into wearability, or to mend the broken washing machine so it agitates like new, thrills them.  The women darn socks and patch the dish towels; the men putty up the cracks and turn old glass bottles into lamps.  It seldom bothers two Capricorns to be snowed in during a blizzardy winter.  They have, literally, a thousand and one things to keep them busy and contented. 

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