and unpleasant, and thinks a lot about death.  He goes away to brood, because the connection has been cut and he's only mortal after all.  And his mortality, the fact that he must grow old like everybody else, weighs heavily on him. 

You can't interfere with Gemini's cycle, or expect him to change it.  He needs his period of collision with mortality just as he needs to breathe the scent of the Olympian heights.  This cycle is his alone, and you're very foolish if you think he's doing it against you or because of you.  More sensitive souls like Pisceans and Scorpios and Cancers, can be hurt and feel horribly rejected when Gemini is going through one of his dark turns.  He can be pretty nasty and chilly while it lasts.  But it isn't personal. 

This alternation in Gemini can be described in another way.  You might say that it has to do with a polarity in him:  intellectual and emotional, or male and female, or conscious and unconscious.  One is human, the other is divine.  Often Gemini becomes confused about whether to make a rational judgment or an emotional one.  Sometimes he gets into a lot of sexual confusion as well, because there's quite a bit of both sexes in him - whether it's a Gemini man or a Gemini woman - which isn't a reflection on his sexuality, but really means that he's both intuitive and rational, sensitive and decisive, reflective and outgoing.  Masculine and feminine in Gemini are meant here in their broadest sense, and a lot of Geminis are pretty confused about which role or image to play because they discover both in them, and relate to both men and women equally well. 

All this makes for pretty inconsistent behaviour.  Sometimes it helps if Gemini can at least differentiate when he's being Castor and when he's being Pollux, and try getting them to talk to each other.  You'll often hear Gemini talking to himself anyway.  Well, of course.  There are two of him, aren't there?  One moment the world is shining and full of light, the next it's dark and imprisoning.  It's one of the reasons why Geminis are so good at reporting and writing and dealing with the public.  They're acutely sensitive to both faces of life, and are usually well-stocked with both idealism and cynicism.  They see both and are both. 

There is another mythical image which is important to consider if you want to understand Gemini.  The planet which rules the sign is Mercury.  Now, Mercury is the smallest and fastest planet in the solar system - in itself a good symbol for the speed and mobility of Geminian perceptions.  In mythology, Mercury is the messenger of the gods.  He carries messages and information from one god to another, and from the gods in Olympus to men on earth.  He is also known as the god of thieves and liars, the protector of the roads, and the lord of commerce.  Get the picture?  He's an amoral god, fluid and flexible, and concerned always with bridges between gods and men, between man and man, in the form of ideas, money, channels of communication both tangible and intangible. 

Mercury is also known as Mercurius in the medieval symbolism of alchemy.  And this tells an important thing about Gemini.  Mercurius, as the alchemists try to describe him, is the symbol of the process of understanding, of connecting, of integrating.  When you suddenly realize something or understand it, and the light dawns, and two things suddenly click that didn't have any relationship before, the alchemists would have said that was the trickster spirit Mercurius at work.  Remember those cartoon strips where somebody gets a bright idea and it's pictured as a lightbulb suddenly flashing on over his head?  That's Mercurius.  In alchemy Mercurius connects male and female, and allows the Great Work to complete its transformation of substance.  He's called the Great Transformer, and is pictured as being androgynous, male and female both.  He's the one who bridges the opposites.  Bear with us.  It may be esoteric, but it's important.  For here is the key to Gemini's real path in life, the thing toward which those with the sun in Gemini are really striving.  It's the interpreter, the translator, the messenger.  But to perform this work of intermediary, Gemini must first find ways of

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